2025 Season and New Offerings at APSI

Basic 101 Course Dates:
April 25-27
May 23-25
June 20-22
July 25-27
August 8-10
September 12-14
October 3-5

Intermediate 201 Course Dates:
August 29-31

New for 2025: Weekend Tent Rentals for Students
For just $75, students can rent a complete camping setup for the weekend. This includes a tent, sleeping bag, ground mat or cot, and a USB charging station for your cellphones, tablets, or other electronic devices. Our campsite is conveniently close to the main house, ensuring you have access to WiFi.

Special Offer for Previous 101 Course Students:
If you have previously taken our 101 course, you can join us for the weekend free of charge as a teaching assistant! We only ask that you help with teaching and assisting around the camp. This is a fantastic opportunity to refresh your skills and meet new people.

Non-Students Welcome:
Non-students can join the weekend fun for $150. This package includes a tent, sleeping arrangement, and USB charging station.
I am preparing for the 2025 season and look forward to it! I’ll see you in the wild!