The Best Wood for Bow Drills in the Eastern Woodlands: Your Ultimate Guide

In the Eastern Woodlands of the United States, selecting the right wood is critical for successfully making a primitive fire using a bow drill. Among the various options, tulip poplar and cedar are my go-to choices for creating friction fire with a bow drill due to their superior performance. There are five key factors to … Read more

Unlock the Wilderness: 10 Essential Bushcraft Skills for Beginners

Setting out into the wilderness is more than just an adventure—it’s the epitome of freedom. But living in the wild comes with its own set of hefty challenges. For those new to bushcraft, the sheer volume of survival skills can be overwhelming. Where does one begin? What should a beginner focus on? Once you’ve acquired … Read more

Best Haversacks for Minimalist Bushcrafters

 When venturing into the wild, a lightweight haversack is key, but first, let’s discuss the materials they are made from. While high-quality leather looks and feels great, it’s generally too heavy for a lightweight haversack. Polyester is light and affordable but often lacks the robustness needed for bushcraft. The top materials for lightweight bushcraft haversacks … Read more

Civilization’s Fragile Mask: Examining the Balance of Order and Chaos

Have you ever seen the movie “The Purge” or its sequels? These movies explore a dystopian society where, for one night each year, all crime, including murder, is perfectly legal. They delve into how people behave when there is no rule of law for 12 hours, from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. The movies pose … Read more

Grid Down Ready: Top Strategies for Ensuring Power Continuity

 When the Grid Goes Down: Be Prepared It’s not a matter of if, but when. In the event of a grid-down scenario, having a reliable power source for various applications becomes essential. Picture this: batteries for flashlights to investigate that strange bump in the night. Let’s prepare! First, invest in a couple of Surefire flashlights. … Read more