We live in an era marked by danger and conflict. Every day brings new reports of horrific car wrecks, accidents, assaults, crime, war, and other misfortunes. In such an increasingly dangerous world, what can the common man do to protect his family’s health and wellbeing?
Building First Aid Kits of varying sizes is a practical step. Start with an IFAK or a small kit for your hiking, survival, or bugout pack. Then, create a medium-sized kit for your truck or SUV. Finally, assemble a large First Aid Kit, often referred to as a “jump bag,” which typically involves a duffel bag that can be slung over your shoulder. Below is an alphabetical list for a Camping or Road Trip (a larger kit):
Abdominal Pads
Ace Bandages
Adhesive bandages (different sizes)
Adhesive tape
Ammonia Inhalants
Antibiotic Ointment
Antibiotics (bacterial infections) and Miconazole (fungal or yeast infections)
Antihistamines (Claritin D, Benadryl)
Antiseptic wipes
Blister Pads
Burn Cream or Gel
Butterfly Bandages
Cell Phone-Have it fully charged before you leave and have a charger in your vehicle
Cold packs
Contractor Garbage Bags-Place contaminated clothing inside these rugged bags or use the bags for a make-shift shelter
Cotton Balls
Cotton Bandanas
CPR Mask
Drawing Salve (stings, insect bites, splinters, etc)
Duct Tape
Electrolyte Tablets
Emergency blanket
Eye Wash
Finger Splint
Fire Starter (minimum 3 ways to start a fire)
Flashlight-Have extra batteries, I swear by Surefire flashlights
Hand Sanitizer
Hemostatic Gauze and Powder
Hydrocortisone Cream
Hyfin Chest Seal or Vented Chest Seal
Insect Sting Relief Wipes.
Latex or vinyl gloves
Liquid Bandage
Multitool-endless uses
N95 Mask (if more dire of a situation switch to a gas mask)
Nasopharyngeal airway – 28 FR
Needle and Thread stored in Isopropyl Alcohol
Non-stick Pads
Pain-reliever (Aleve, Tylenol, Acetaminophen, etc)
Poison Ivy Rinse
Portable Radio-Find out what is going on in the rest of the world
Potassium Iodate (KI) Tablets-This will protect your thyroid if there is a radiological emergency
Powdered Gatorade
Prescription Medications
Quikclot or Celox
Rolled Gauze
Safety Pins
Saline Eye Drops
SAM Splint
Shears (like what EMTs and Fire Fighters use to remove clothing)
Shoe covers
Silk Medical Tape Roll
Snake Bite Kit
Sterile gauze pads
Tick Removal Tool
Triangular Bandages
Water Purification Tablets
Wool Blankets (minimum two)
Wound Irrigation Syringes
Is there anything you would add to this list? For more content and training that could save your life, check out survivalschoolmichigan.com