We live in an era marked by wars and the constant threat of conflict. Every day brings new reports of a looming third world war, one that could turn nuclear at any moment. Most of us are not millionaires or billionaires with private bunkers. So, what can the common man do to survive such cataclysmic events? You can build a kit, and find the right shelter if there are nuke detonations.
Gas Mask-Here are 5 recommendations: 1) MIRA Safety CM-7M or CM-8M which is compatible with a 40mm NATO cartridge. 2) Avon Protection M50 3) 3M Scott Safety M120 4) Drager CDR 4500 5) SGE 400/3BB. Each of these 5 are CBRN rated (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) which is what you want.
Protective Suits-Hazmat suit.
Water-Minimum of 1 gallon per person per day. Bring a drink mix like Gatorade. Powder is easiest to transport.
Food-Preferably non-perishable such as freeze-dried food, energy bars, dehydrated fruit, hard candy, etc. Think about calories to stay warm.
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Geiger Counter
Sand Bags-Good for creating a buffer from gamma radiation. Although if you are filling them with dirt after a nuclear event you are too late.
Decontamination Kit-A shower and place to wash off contaminants.
HEPA Filters-Use inside the structure you are sheltering in. Hopefully you found a concrete basement below ground, or are the middle floors of a high rise.
Plastic Sheeting and Duct Tape-Seal all vents.
Fresh Clothes-Season dependent.
Contractor Garbage Bags-Place contaminated clothing inside these rugged bags.
Sleeping Pad-Remember, conduction sucks the heat right out of you when you are laying against a cold surface. Put a layer beneath you to prevent this issue.
Sleep System-Sleeping Bag, pillow, blankets
First Aid Kit-For minor cuts, burns and other injuries.
Potassium Iodate (KI) Tablets-This will protect your thyroid and help to prevent cancer at a later date.
Flashlight-Have extra batteries, I swear by Surefire flashlights.
Cell Phone-Have it fully charged before you leave and have a charger in your vehicle.
Mini Stove-Small propane or similar gas stove to cook or purify water. Not contaminated water.
Portable Radio-Find out what is going on in the rest of the world.
Multitool-endless uses.
*If a nuclear bomb detonated and you are still alive, prepare to hunker down in place for a minimum of 3 days. This is due to the fallout and gamma radiation.
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